Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

The Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme

The authors are solely responsible for the content of this report. Material included herein does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of it.

Reports overview

In this section the findings of TIDE are listed according to the three working areas of estuarine ´functioning´, ´governance´ and ´measures´. The most important outcomes for each TIDE estuary are presented. Finally you will find an overall summary in which the results of the different subjects are brought together and an overall conclusion is presented in order to explain the idea of integrated estuarine management. You can select single reports directly or address the report summaries.

Summary reports

Management of estuaries – TIDE summary report

The need to understand nature and society
This report summarises all project results related to estuarine functioning, governance and management measures of the four TIDE estuaries.

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Towards Integrated Estuarine Management

This report summarises the project results related to estuarine functioning, governance and management measures of the four TIDE estuaries. Please look at specific reports for more information.

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An interestuarine comparison for ecology in TIDE

In this report an interestuarine comparison is made for ecology data to increase understanding of ecological functioning, hence estuarine management can be adapted to ensure a healthy ecosystem.

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Comparison of Hydrodynamics and Salinity of TIDE Estuaries

The report deals with the simulation of tidal wave propagation and salinity intrusion in the TIDE estuaries. This report should be considered in conjunction with other related TIDE products.

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Determinants of bird habitat use in TIDE estuaries

The availability of natural estuarine habitats is one of the main factors determining the density distribution of waterbirds in an estuary, as a result of both the natural variability of spatial resources and the distribution of anthropogenic activities along the estuary.

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Ecosystem Service Assessment of TIDE Estuaries

Demand and supply of ES in the TIDE estuaries are presented. Trade-offs, synergies and first steps for the development of efficient and sustainable estuarine resource management are described.

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Interestuarine comparison: Hydro-geomorphology

This study handles the hydro-geomorphology of the 4 TIDE estuaries. In the report an overview of the main hydrological and geomorphological characteristics is given per estuary, followed by an interestuarine comparison based on 5 research topics: (1) tidal damping/amplification, (2) relation between habitats and the tide, (3) suspended sediments, (4) residence times, and (5) tidal marshes.

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Manual for valuation of ecosystem services in estuaries

Guidance document to identify, quantify and monetary value the impact of an estuarine project on ecosystem services. Best available data and state-of-the-art insights are used.

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Modelling the oxygen budget of the Elbe-Estuary.

A water quality model was used to analyse the O2 budget of the Elbe estuary including the fate of the phytoplankton. The impact of shallow water zones and reduced load of organic matter is evaluated.

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Moneos: Integrated Monitoring of the Scheldt Estuary

The report describes the desired monitoring program for the Scheldt Estuary as well as cause/effect relationships. It is based on information about ongoing and already implemented programs.

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Sand balance approach

This approach uses bathymetric data. The outcomes (calculated sediment budgets) have a direct relation with sediment management and interventions common in estuaries (e.g. dredging and disposal).

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Scheldt Estuary Evaluation Methodology

The report provides an evaluation methodology of the Scheldt monitoring programme. Its basic principles are the policy objectives from the Long Term Vision and the proper functioning of the ecosystem.

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Shallow water areas in North Sea estuaries. Changing patterns and sizes of habitats influenced by human activities in the Elbe, Humber, Scheldt and Weser

The estuaries were modified to protect landscape from flooding, to claim wetlands and to allow navigation. Higher current velocities, a further upstream penetration of the tides and tidal amplification decreased habitat areas and changed their patterns.

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Zonation of the TIDE estuaries

Sometimes existing zonations e.g. for the Water Framework Directive may not be useful when comparing the features of several estuaries. A zonation approach based on the Venice System is introduced.

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Analysis of the TIDE Estuarine Conflict Matrices

Estuaries are multi-user environments with conflicting resource demands. The use of the conflict matrix tool to identify user interactions & provide guidance on management priorities are described.

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Development / implementation of a new communication concept

HPA creates a shallow water area at ’Spadenlander Busch / Kreetsand’. The communication strategy includes early involvement of locals and stakeholders. Win-win-potentials were identified and used.

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Environmental Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment - Evaluation of assessment tools and methods, Lot 1: Legal and procedural aspects of the EU Directives

When investigating the environmental impact of a project in estuaries, one is confronted with uncertainties. This report describes how is dealt with these uncertainties in different EU Member States.

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Environmental Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment - Evaluation of assessment tools and methods, Lot 2: Analysis of case studies in port development projects in European estuaries

When investigating the environmental impact of a project in estuaries, one is confronted with many uncertainties. This report investigates how is dealt with these uncertainties in different EU Member States by analysis of case studies.

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Legislative Drivers & Sectoral Plan Review of TIDE Estuaries

Environmental drivers influencing sectoral management in four European estuaries have been reviewed. Using SWOT analysis, current management plans have been studied to determine best practice examples.

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The tidal Elbe - a people's perspective

The study The tidal Elbe – a people´s perspective provides recommendations why and how to conduct a perception study as a basis for management purposes. A more detailed version is available in German.

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Anabranch revitalization lower Weser estuary

This feasibility study investigates the ecological requirements for revitalizing the left anabranch (Schweiburg) of the lower Weser estuary considering WFD and Natura 2000 aims.

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Dredging and disposal strategies of the Elbe estuary

The report should give an overview on the frame conditions and strategies of dredging and disposal at the Elbe estuary.

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Dredging and disposal strategies of the Humber estuary

The report should give an overview on the frame conditions and strategies of dredging and disposal at the Humber estuary.

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Dredging and disposal strategies of the Scheldt estuary

The report should give an overview on the frame conditions and strategies of dredging and disposal at the Scheldt estuary.

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Dredging and disposal strategies of the Weser estuary

The report should give an overview on the frame conditions and strategies of dredging and disposal at the Weser estuary.

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Hard Substrate Habitats Outer Weser Estuary

Identification of Potential Areas for the Development and Creation of Subtidal Hard Substrate Areas in the Outer Weser Estuary – Pilot study in the framework of the Interreg IVB project TIDE

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Interestuarine comparison: Managed Realignment Measures

A collection of lessons learned and new insights from 17 managed realignment measures improves the overall knowledge and offers recommendations to improve the success of future measures.

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Management measures analysis and comparison

This study gives an overview on the variety of management measures that are implemented within the four estuaries and provides tools to analyse the implementation success.

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Morphological management of estuaries

Morphological management offers estuarine managers an answer to the question how to manage an estuary taking into account its many different functions. This report demonstrates this concept.

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Pilot project „Evaluation of the sediment trap near Wedel“

This report describes the evaluation results of a sediment trap in the Elbe estuary aiming at a local concentration of dredging activities, which benefits both economic and ecological objectives.

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Restoration of a tidal foreland in the Werderland region

Feasibility study of the restoration of a riverbank and tidal floodplain habitats at the Weser; considering safety reservations for dike reinforcement and shipping by stakeholder involvement

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Secondary channels in European estuaries

This literature study investigates the occurrence and importance of secondary channels in European estuaries.

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Sediment relocation to shallow water near Walsoorden sandbar

In this report the monitoring results of the implementation of the measure are discussed and checked for compliance with the evaluation criteria.

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The Potential Use of Dredged Material in the Humber Estuary

The study “The Potential Use of Dredged Material in the Humber Estuary” has analysed the uses of the dredged material, usually disposed within the estuary, to alternative locations within the Humber.

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