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The Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme

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Legislative Drivers & Sectoral Plan Review of TIDE Estuaries

3d. Scheldt Estuary

Table 4 details the bodies with both statutory and non-statutory responsibilities for the Scheldt river estuary which borders both the Netherlands and Belgium (Flanders). Consequently, management challenges in the Scheldt have largely arisen from the cross-border nature of the management activities. The Netherlands and Flanders previously agreed on a common Long Term Vision of the Scheldt estuary concerning the priority functions (Safety against flooding, Naturalness and Accessibility) and on a set of short term developments/measures to implement the Long Term Vision (Development Scheme 2010). The Development Scheme 2010 includes, amongst others, the execution of the revised Sigmaplan against flooding, the deepening of the navigation channel towards the Port of Antwerp and several nature restoration projects. In 2012, most of the agreed projects are either started or have not yet been realised.

Table 4 Organisational Remit for the Management of the Scheldt estuary


Area of Responsibility Group/Organisation Basis to Management
Water Quality International Scheldt Commission Statutory
Flemish Ministry of Environment, Nature and Energy and Flemish Environment Agency (Flanders) Statutory
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Rijkswaterstaat (the Netherlands) Statutory
Province of Zeeland (the Netherlands) Statutory
The Scheldtstromen Water Board Statutory
Water Companies (Flanders and the Netherlands) Duty of Care
Conservation Flemish Ministry of Environment, Nature and Energy and Agency for Nature and Forests (Flanders) Statutory
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation (the Netherlands) Statutory
Staatsbosbeheer (the Netherlands) Statutory
Province of Zeeland (the Netherlands) Statutory
The Flemish-Dutch Scheldt Commission (VNSC) (Flanders and the Netherlands) Statutory
Natuurpunt (Flanders) NGO pressure
Bond Beter Leefmilieu (Flanders) NGO pressure
Zeeuwse Milieufederatie (the Netherlands) NGO pressure / terrain manager
Stichting het Zeeuwse Landschap (the Netherlands) NGO pressure / terrain manager
Vereniging Natuurmonumenten (the Netherlands) NGO pressure / terrain manager
Vogelbescherming Nederland (the Netherlands) NGO pressure
Natuurbeschermingsvereniging de Steltkluut (the Netherlands) NGO pressure
Stichting De Levende Delta (the Netherlands) NGO pressure
Zuidelijke land- en tuinbouworganisatie (the Netherlands) NGO pressure
Shipping and Ports Permanent Committee of Supervision on Scheldt Navigation (Flanders and the Netherlands) Statutory
Common Nautical Authority (the Netherlands and Flanders) Statutory
Agency Maritime Services and Coast (Flanders) Statutory
Waterways and Seachannel – SeaScheldt department (Flanders) Statutory
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Rijkswaterstaat (the Netherlands) Statutory
Development The Flemish-Dutch Scheldt Commission (VNSC) (Flanders and the Netherlands) Statutory
Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works – Maritime Access (Flanders) Statutory
Waterways and Seachannel – SeaScheldt divsion (Flanders) Statutory
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Rijkswaterstaat (the Netherlands) Statutory
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation (the Netherlands) Statutory
Province of Zeeland (the Netherlands) Statutory
Province Oost-Vlaanderen and Province Antwerpen (Flanders) Statutory
Several Municipalities along Scheldt estuary (the Netherlands and Flanders) Statutory
Port of Antwerp (Flanders) Statutory
Port of Ghent (Flanders) Statutory
Zeeland Seaports (the Netherlands) Statutory
Flood Protection Waterways and Seachannel – SeaScheldt division (Flanders) Statutory
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Rijkswaterstaat (the Netherlands) Statutory
Province of Zeeland (the Netherlands) Statutory
The Scheldtstromen Water Board (the Netherlands) Statutory
Tourism Tourist Information Office (VVV) (the Netherlands and Flanders) Statutory
Province of Zeeland (the Netherlands) Statutory
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation (the Netherlands) Statutory
Toerisme Vlaanderen (Flanders) Statutory
Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen en Provincie Antwerpen (Flanders) Statutory
Fishery Agency for Nature and Forests (Flanders) Statutory
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation (the Netherlands) Statutory
Wildfowling /Hunting Agency for Nature and Forests (Flanders) Statutory
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation (the Netherlands) Statutory
Staatsbosbeheer (the Netherlands) Statutory
Agriculture Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation (the Netherlands) Statutory
The Scheldtstromen Water Board (the Netherlands) Statutory
Flemish Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture (Flanders) Statutory
Water boards (Flanders) Statutory
Boerenbond (Flanders) NGO pressure
Bond Beter Leefmilieu (Flanders) NGO pressure

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